
Daelon Floyd
2019年 04月 6日(土曜日) 15:13 - Daelon Floyd の投稿
Hi this is Dae talking. Me and my scene partner Jr. will be taking turns blogging our experiences over these 4 weeks. 
I wanted to tell you guys about our first week working together. 
We've been practicing our lines everyday. Its been challenging, but I think we are finally getting the hang of it. We completed the beat analysis together and that was fun to do. It really helped us understand our characters relationship with each other. we will continue to keep you updated as we get better at our scene. Dae out!

We linked a funny video of us practicing our physical behavior !!!
関連付け コース: TH113-01/19SP
[ 更新日時: 2019年 04月 6日(土曜日) 15:14 ]
Elias Williamson
2019年 02月 4日(月曜日) 15:22 - Elias Williamson の投稿

@skylerpia how do i tag eyou

Elias Williamson
2019年 02月 4日(月曜日) 15:21 - Elias Williamson の投稿
Lexie Jones
2018年 12月 14日(金曜日) 19:08 - Lexie Jones の投稿

What became important in last few rounds of rehearsal was really stepping into our characters and our scene. For instance, finding ways to genuinely listen and respond or actually taking off our pants became crucial in preparing. It became the task of listening and responding to what Terrell presented, rather than just reading a script. And then there was the part about taking our pants off, which took the comfort of knowing exactly how it had gone many times in rehearsal in order to properly execute it. Honestly, this scene became an act of Terrell and me entering into the space of the scene together, as a team and responding to one another in that space accordingly. 

2018年 12月 13日(木曜日) 13:46 - Kayla Barrera の投稿

Before the final showing of our scene, Z and I met together on Tuesday. During the rehearsal, we went through the scene a few different times. We ended up getting more comfortable and playing around with the parts. That is how we ended up with Z actually trying to burn me with her cigarette during the final scene. It got easier the more we did it. By Wednesday, we were completely comfortable with each other, and I think that came through in the final scene. It was a good class.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/18FA
2018年 12月 11日(火曜日) 23:58 - Gabriel Huerta の投稿

On Monday in class, Georgia and I went through our entire play and deciphered which parts we needed to memorize more thoroughly. We scheduled a rehearsal for Tuesday, in which we put together an initial layout for our scene (pictured below) and determined the initial lighting, aside from performing to ourselves a few times to solidify memorization. We both felt good about the performance of our scene on Wednesday in class, but we couldn’t figure out what was quite missing. This uncertainty was mostly resolved by our rehearsal with Amber on Saturday evening - the lighting was improved to show our faces more, and the couch and piano switched positions to use the lighting to our advantage. We are still unsure how to incorporate the stairs prop, but will figure it out as rehearsals progress, both in and out of class. We also clarified the level of physical intimacy between Elias and Jenny, which will definitely improve the reality of our scene.

One challenge to face in the coming weeks is the particular part of the scene where Elias has to yell at Jenny. Amber offered lots of helpful insight in regard to it, but it is ultimately up to Gabe to deliver the lines in a way that justifies Elias’ anger while maintaining a distance from the content of the scene / action due to anger.

(reupload from December 2nd - posted originally to only Gabe's blog)

関連付け コース: TH113-01/18FA
2018年 12月 11日(火曜日) 15:09 - Robert Wang の投稿

Sam and I are feeling really good about our scene tomorrow! We wanted to go over our lines before we meet again tomorrow morning. We just want to make sure we have our lines down and made sure we had our long and short pauses down. We are really excited to perform our scene and getting prepared to perform in front of an audience! Hope everyone else is feeling good, see you tomorrow! 

関連付け コース: TH113-01/18FA
2018年 12月 10日(月曜日) 09:32 - Terrell Mwetta の投稿

Here is a picture from Lexie & I's rehearsal last week! We really focused on the end of the play and on how we would go about conveying some notable themes and comfortability around showing some skin

Lexie and Terrell rehearsing

関連付け コース: TH113-01/18FA
2018年 12月 10日(月曜日) 03:19 - Georgia King の投稿

This week we went to see the play John, which was especially interesting for Gabe and me, as that's the play that our scene is from. It was very interesting for us to see our characters acted out by other people, and to see how they interpreted the scene differently than we did. It helped us to have another perspective on our characters and to see different ways in which we could portray their motives. We are working on our actions in the individual scenes and showing what they are thinking through their actions. We plan to rehearse a lot more before the final performance on Wednesday.

関連付け コース: TH113-01/18FA
2018年 12月 9日(日曜日) 22:52 - Robin Roianov の投稿

This week we added props to our rehearsal. The use of the props, such as rolling papers, an envelope of money, and tissues greatly helped in figuring out blocking and timing. We were able to run through the entire scene several times and we feel good about it.