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Zach Forster
by Zach Forster - Sunday, December 14, 2014, 12:42 PM
Anyone in the world

For today's rehearsal, we focused more on our blocking. Our lines are falling more into place, they're still a bit rough due to the repetitive nature of the lines, but we get better with each run-through. What's mainly tripping us up is that our blocking isn't grounded- we sort of just move about throughout the space without real intent. Not only does this shaky blocking hinder our blocking, but it also makes recalling the lines difficult since we're focusing on trying to make decisions about movement on the spot. Through trial-and-error testing, we've managed to lock-in specific blocking for key parts of the scene, but we're not entirely there yet. Already we're noticing the lines coming easier by being able to tie them with the specific movement, so all-in-all a productive rehearsal!

Shani Berenholz
by Shani Berenholz - Sunday, December 14, 2014, 11:29 AM
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During out last couple rehearsals everything seemed to click! Rebecca helped us to make all of our beats very clear. She told us that we seemed to know what we were supposed to do because we knew where the beats were supposed to be, but did not quite understand how to perform them. The way we worked on making the beats more clear was making sure we knew how our characters should feel and react during those specific beats. For example when Thea laughs because my last job was at a quaker school and I am now going to work in the Bronx, my character is supposed to act very offended and prove that I am capable of working there because I am a good teacher. Additionally, Callie is supposed to be acting a little judgmental because she does not believe that someone who came from such a nice school can handle a dangerous school in the Bronx. By playing up these reactions the beat is more clear because it shows the differences and tension between the two female characters. We also worked on little things like how I am supposed to feel when I first enter the apartment. I say "wow some apartment" and "it's huge!" which means that I am supposed to be amazed by how nice the apartment is. So therefore, I made the choice to walk into the apartment and while I am saying these lines I look around the apartment in shock and awe at how nice it is in order for these lines to have meaning. After our rehearsal with Rebecca we continued to work on the relationship with our characters by getting to understand how our characters should feel during certain moments. Specifically, we worked on keeping more eye contact towards the end of the scene so the sexual tension would build up between our characters so we could heighten up the tension to the scene with the eight ball where we realize that we might like each other more sexually than we intended.

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Nikki Hayton
by Nikki Hayton - Saturday, December 13, 2014, 12:04 AM
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Today's rehearsal was really helpful, because I finally got all my lines together and we've started to really focus in on the blocking now. Zach was really helpful and came up with this trick to help me remember what line I say because I have two that sounds really similar right next to each other. 

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Nikki Hayton
by Nikki Hayton - Friday, December 12, 2014, 11:55 PM
Anyone in the world

Today was the first rehearsal of the scene Zach and I picked from the play The Shape of Things. It went pretty well, but I've been having some trouble with my lines. The thing is, the lines are a dialogue back and forth with Zach and I feel like a lot of my lines are the same. Rehearsal went pretty well, and it was good to finally practice with Zach and learn how he says the lines, instead of just running lines by myself. 

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Delaney Bloomquist
by Delaney Bloomquist - Friday, December 12, 2014, 2:07 PM
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Our final rehearsal focused mainly on loosing our personal habits and really dedicating to what our characters wanted out of every moment and beat change. Most of our lines feel like they have new and stronger purposes now. Both of us tried to throw out our personal habits in favor of physicalizations that help express who our characters are.

Today was a little uneven, though. The energy just wasn't quite there. Even with extended beginning moments to try and sink into character, we didn't really fall into the scene until the middle. It felt okay, just a little lackluster in the strength of our characters personalities. By the end of the rehearsal we felt better about who we were showing them to be.

-Roan and Delaney

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Benjamin Kolligs
by Benjamin Kolligs - Friday, December 12, 2014, 10:12 AM
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Yesterday on Thursday,  we met with Rebecca and did our private session. This was extremely helpful, and essentially changed all of the scene to give it more life. We adjusted blocking so that there is less couch-sitting, and more Dennis chasing Warren. We worked the new scene and made the blocking more clear and more grounded. We worked on having more fidgets for each of our characters and thus giving us more feelings of groundedness. I felt this session was the most productive, both with Rebecca and the work we did today on Friday.

Monica Castro
by Monica Castro - Friday, December 12, 2014, 9:35 AM
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On Tuesday, we had our scene rehearsal with Rebecca in the classroom right next to the black box. Rebecca mentioned how Taylor and I do a great job of listening and responding. However, we both needed to improve on letting our responses be affected by the other. Specifically, I need to show more vulnerability. This is what I have trouble with the most. Taylor and I have taken Rebecca's constructive feedback and have done our best to improve on it. After focusing on these specific areas, our rehearsals have progressed tremendously. We are both looking forward to preform our last scene in front of such a wonderful, talented class! Best of luck! 

-Taylor and Momo

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Delaney Bloomquist
by Delaney Bloomquist - Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 12:38 AM
Anyone in the world

We finally got a rehearsal time slot in the blackbox! For Wednesday... So I'm sure that once we get to rehearse in the space we perform in, everything will feel much more grounded and connected.

Recently our main focus has been aimed at really trying with the lines since Jessica and Warren spend the entire scene trying as hard as they can to make a connection (for varying reasons as the scene progresses). Tied into that we have been working on really sinking into the character and letting them come forward and live in the given circumstances. Not actually giving up or backing down is a big thing in our scenes. After any of the given screw ups in their conversations, one of the characters will say something dismissive or closing. Do not believe them. They are not letting it go, they are letting it simmer. That grudge will flare up again in a few seconds. IT'S A TRAP.

-Delaney and Roan

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
[ Modified: Wednesday, December 10, 2014, 12:38 AM ]
Isobel Thieme
by Isobel Thieme - Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 4:24 PM
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On Tuesday, Rebecca told us that we have to work on not moving as much and holding our place so that the drama of the most dramatic moments are really set in and are not interrupted, making them more dramatic to the audience. It was also suggested to use the fact of our father’s death as the exploration of that Magic If. My next challenge I’ll want to conquer is connecting with that part of my character - I have a very strong relationship with my own father so in order to make that aspect of my character, I will think about what it would be like if I lost him like Catherine has and attempt to make a real connection there.

Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA
Isobel Thieme
by Isobel Thieme - Tuesday, December 9, 2014, 4:23 PM
Anyone in the world


Rehearsal is going really well - we’re watching the scene go deeper and deeper everyday. Emily and I decided to do the question exercise, in which we repeat to the other’s line as a question, before we got started with the run throughs. I would say that this exercise helped exponentially because it’s caused me to really think about what Claire is saying to me and what I would say in response to that, rather than only thinking about what my next line is. It’s providing the real life aspect to the given circumstances and it’s beginning to feel more and more natural - I can feel myself get really angry and sometimes almost on the verge of tears during the more emotional parts of the scene. I’m excited to keep working!!


Associated Course: TH113-02/14FA