Blog entry by Debra Miller

Debra Miller
by Debra Miller - Tuesday, November 5, 2013, 11:02 PM
Anyone in the world

When I first moved to Oregon I remember my confusion when my middle school students asked me if I was a Beaver or Duck.  Now, I know why!  I'm really a Lion.

It seems I've taken a lot of personality tests lately--we've done a lot of work on communication styles in my district lately and my girlfriends did the Myers-Briggs last weekend just for fun.  We party hard, my friends and I.  A consistency across all of these personality profiles is that I am not a feeler or an intuitive type.  I am a thinker and a do-er.

On the Free Personality Test my top score is in the Lion category and my close second score is in the Beaver category.  As a Lion I like to take charge and solve problems.  I tend to be too impatient, too busy, too blunt.  I am conscious of my need to be a good listener, and I consciously worked on that skill over the last few years.  I still catch myself wanting to bulldoze on through a conversation, so becoming a good listener is still a personal goal.

In the Gregoric Style Delineator my strongest category was Concrete-Sequential although the score was nearly tied with Abstract-Sequential.  The logical, sequential piece is very important to me and I believe I switch back and forth between concrete and abstract thinking pretty fluidly so I am going to declare myself to be Concrete/Abstract-Sequential.  This school year my team had to dive head first into a whole lot of concrete problems very quickly.  I am quite happy to stay in concrete land for weeks on end, but just recently we have been talking about the need to get back up to the abstract---big picture, philosophical level.  There are so many competing concrete needs that we need a strong abstract, philosophical framework for our department to figure out how to prioritize the concrete work that needs to be done.

I realize as a very sequential person that I need "random" people on my team.  I need people who are intuitive, creative,  and "think outside the box" to balance my tendencies towards cold logic and conservative choices.  I need charismatic, visionary co-leaders to help me dream the vision.  Which I will then happily go execute.  And then I need these charismatic, feel-focused people to help sell the vision to others.  Because I'm a lion, and sometimes people really want a Golden Retriever to talk to.  Or a Beaver or a Duck.

Associated Course: EDAD502-01/13GF


  • DEDayle Eder - Sat, Nov 30, 2013, 12:02 PM
    One of the reasons I appreciate your reflection is it speaks volumes to the need to "build your team". I have seen folks go into hiring looking for a fit instead of looking for an unmet need. Imagine what the questions would need to sound like to find your "outside of the box" teammate. Now, imagine what you could do when you hired them! We thinkers and do-ers need the folks on our teams who balance us. Otherwise, we find ourselves without a team. Oh, so preventable!