Blog entry by Kaia Mann

Kaia Mann
by Kaia Mann - Tuesday, April 10, 2018, 11:38 AM
Anyone in the world

This week was good! We finished blocking both of our scenes, and were able to run through them both pretty successfully! The memorization on the first scene we had down well and the second scene was much shorter, making the process go quicker. The challenge of our second scene is that it will be harder to get into the moment since we don’t have any props or scenery in the scene. It is just us walking together almost filling space until we kiss. 

The feedback on our first scene was good--to slow down a little bit and not rush the scene because we were going so fast. I think that slowing it down will not only help us with playing the scene more honestly, but also to take our time to develop our characters and really drop in.

Our biggest challenge this week is the kiss!! As close friends, Alec and I may be a little awkward, which we think fits the scene, but we worry that we will be too awkward! To do this successfully, we need make sure we are completely dropped in to our characters and let go of who we are outside of it. No laughing allowed. Looking forward to getting feedback on our second scene today!


Associated Course: TH113-02/18SP


  • Ellen FieldEllen Field - Tue, Apr 10, 2018, 5:09 PM
    I love this scene and both of you! Maybe a good way to slow down is to focus on enunciating language, as sometimes the words get all mixed together and are hard to understand. As for the kiss, you guys can totally do it!! I saw you do it in rehearsal today and you guys nailed it. I think it's hard to avoid laughing at first, but you'll drop into it and it'll actually maybe be better that you guys are so close. Can't wait to see more!
  • Virginia SwensonVirginia Swenson - Wed, Apr 11, 2018, 6:30 AM
    Mia and I are also struggling with dropping in, and we also have a kiss in our scene. Our kiss is at the very end, so the hope is that either way we will be fully in character by the end. Slowing down is a good note, and seems like it would help dropping in. Going slowly would also forces new changes. Like we were trying before with exaggerated emotional reactions to each other, Mia and I might try exaggerated slowness just to see how it feels, and what emerges. Also, great job on the kiss yesterday! it was so evocative/compelling and believable!