ブログエントリ by Shimpei Goto

2016年 11月 15日(火曜日) 08:38 - Shimpei Goto の投稿

    First of all, thank you for reading, commenting, and giving us advices on our last entry. Sarah and I started off well on the practice for our first final scene rehearsal. But I was still not entirely sure what the character that I am acting is like. So I watched several videos of our scene on Youtube. I was a little bit surprised that even if they are doing the same exact scene, the character’s personality was somewhat different depending on the actor. So I figured out that I could play my character in the way I interpreted it on the script and even include my personality.

    One of our challenges is that we are still struggling with listening and responding. Even after we had essentially memorized our line and felt  confident, there are some still awkward pauses between our lines. For example, sometimes we say our lines right after she or I finished our line however, it would be better if there is a pause. It is getting better and more natural as we practice but we should still work on improving the flow. I think that the only way to solve this problem is to continue practicing together in such a way that our lines come together naturally and we can better deliver during our rehearsal.

関連付け コース: TH113-02/16FA
[ 更新日時: 2016年 11月 15日(火曜日) 08:38 ]