Blog entry by Matt Odell

by Matt Odell - Wednesday, 16 November 2016, 4:01 PM
Anyone in the world

Today, Zafar and I practiced memorizing our lines. We rehearsed each page at a time, which was similar to the method we used for our first rehearsal but this time we had a more indepth conversation about what we are trying to emotionally and physically accomplish with our characters. We came to the conclusion that Sam is trying to rekindle his friendship with Avery but Avery just came for the projector and move on in his life. Sam understands were Avery is coming from and it creates an awkward tension. This awkward tension can be seen in this scene through the pauses and beat changes caused by Sam. He feels guilty for not helping Avery out when he needed him, when Avery got fired, but tries to make amends with the projector. We only got through the first 5 pages of the script but are enjoying how it is turning out. I have attached a tiny sketch of what I see stage looking like when we perform.  


Associated Course: TH113-01/16FA