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от Mo Macsai-Goren - воскресенье, 20 ноября 2016, 19:26
для всего мира

Olivia mentioned my method acting in the previous blog and I am happy to say that I am out of the hospital and have rejoined the land of the living. We have been meeting every other night to go over lines and rehearse our scene. It is coming together well and we are both nearly off book (we definitely will be by Tuesday!) and have a better understanding of Doug and Kayleen's relationship. This scene is unique because both Doug and Kayleen have to balance being sarcastic and witty with the gravity of the given circumstances. These characters have been through so much together and it is important to understand that when playing both of them to fully make sense of their relationship. There is a balance that we are working on articulating and showing between Doug and Kayleen being playful and lighthearted and the high level of tension that runs through their relationship. It is extremely prevalent in this scene, especially towards the end. We are going to work on this balance because there are some pretty funny moments in this scene, but they cannot take away from the underlying tension and gravity of the given circumstances. We're excited for Tuesday!