Olivia Mathews发表的博客

Olivia Mathews - 2016年11月25日 星期五 14:00

I think Mo and I have been struggling a bit to get back on track. Both of us were less than thrilled with our class showing of our scene on Tuesday. Though I know I've given a lot of time to focusing on my given circumstances for the scene, I think adding the lines makes things way more complex. A lot of what Kayleen is doing is playing against what she's actually feeling. He relationship with Doug is so complicated, and this scene is climatic in the play. This is the major falling out between Kayleen and Doug, and they go another several years without seeing or speaking to each other. Keeping that in mind just raises the stakes of the scene. I thin Mo and I could benefit from spending some time developing the characters more and maybe just working on the actions a little bit more. I'm excited to get back to work with Mo once the holiday weekend is over. 

已关联课程: TH113-02/16FA