Blogeinträge von Zachary Lerman

von Zachary Lerman - Sonntag, 27. November 2016, 12:16
Weltweit öffentlich

Jason and I both returned back from the holiday weekend refreshed and relaxed. During our rehearsal, we spent time blocking the last part of our scene. After we both didn't look at our lines for about a week, it was hard to jump back into character and the given circumstances of the play. By the end of the rehearsal, we made a little bit of progress on our scene by integrating specific movements for every moment of the scene. Unfortunately, that progress was stopped because we accidently broke two beer bottles during a "take". So we cleaned up the black box for twenty minutes, trying to pick up all the little pieces that were scattered all over the floor. Overall, I am very confident about our scene though at times I still find it hard to connect with my character. 

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