ブログエントリ by Michael Machado

2018年 04月 4日(水曜日) 21:37 - Michael Machado の投稿


For our scene in Proof, we thought it would be best to start by developing a moment prior to when our scene begins. In our scene, Hal walks up to the front door and then wanders around to the back door where Claire answers the door. This gives us an excellent opportunity for physical action before our text. By looking up possible sets this could give us an idea of how we want to lay out our scene. We thought by adding this moment before would help us be more grounded and add more depth to the scene. Also, this would articulate our destinations clearly to our audience.

The picture above is an accumulation of shots from various Proof scenes done in real life. We drew inspiration from these photos and got a key insight on what kinds of things we wanted to incorporate into our scene. Likewise, we got some ideas on how we want to dress to portray our characters. Nevertheless, these images became extremely helpful in adding a more detailed picture of the act Proof by not having only literal examples.

As we are working through the process of memorizing our script, we have become more familiar with our characters. Going further, our goal this week is to build a strong foundation with confidence in our script and with the organization of our scene. From past assignments, we have found that emphasizing familiarity with our lines is important to be able to start incorporating physical actions and utilizing information from our beat analyses to expand our scene into a moment that is believable and authentic.