ブログエントリ by Griffin Flowers

2018年 04月 5日(木曜日) 11:21 - Griffin Flowers の投稿

Dan and I spent some time on Monday and Tuesday starting work on our scene. We started by doing a read through the whole thing and did some work to memorize our lines for the first half of the scene. Once we got a bit more confident with the text, we went through the scene a few more times to play around with how we said certain lines. It was a lot of fun to experiment with different tones and putting emphasis on different words to see how it changed the dynamic, and also highlighted the contribution of listening and responding for the energy and dynamic of our scene. 

Later on, we went through our beat analyses of the scene to clarify a) where the shifts in energy and action happen and b) what our respective actions are in those beats with regard to our main objectives. This part was a bit trickier, especially finding a specific action contributing towards the objectives for both of our characters in every single beat. One thing that I particularly struggled with for my character was finding active verbs in the beats where my character seems quite passive compared to Dan's Kenny.

A couple things we still need to work on are our setting and our movement. Since the scene calls for us to be on the front steps of a house, we've been talking about using the folding steps, but we still need to work out the specifics of how we'll be using them. Our scene also starts with the two of us sitting down and doesn't specify if or when we should get up and move, so we also need to make decisions about the blocking so that the scene isn't just the two of us sitting and talking the whole time. We're both really excited to move forward from here and explore the different ways to show the dynamic between these two characters though!

関連付け コース: TH113-02/18SP