Entrada del blog por Kaia Mann

Kaia Mann
de Kaia Mann - jueves, 5 de abril de 2018, 12:37
Todo el mundo

Rehearsing our lines

Over and over again

Ugh no end in sight


I take on a role

To create a new being

Character arrives


Callie loves Sara

Two women who don’t know how

To be together


Becoming Callie

Is about understanding

Her struggle and life


I am tired and warm

I want to sleep but I must

Keep studying lines


Studying Sara

Learning her quirks and her tics

Becoming Sara


Repeat repeat re

Peat repeat repeat repeat

Repeat Repeat re….


This play is so great

The dialogue is nice, also,

I get to smooch Kaia

Being gay with Trump

Is great preparation for

Being nineties gay


Kaia kicks booty

She’s so good at learning lines

What a great partner


We get to create

A whole world within the text

We are the makers


Acting forces a

New awareness of myself

What do my hands do?


I wish we had props

This is not a pullout couch

I am on the ground


How to imagine

That everything is different

Really it’s all the same


Motivating to

Study lines is like pulling

My own teeth out eeeee


Time flies when you act

In class rehearsal is good

Is there enough time?

Asociado Curso: TH113-02/18SP