Entrada del blog por Sydni Brooks

Todo el mundo

Ellen I spent a while crafting the last half of our scene. With the stakes so high, we worked on what feels the most natural for physical actions and how are bodies are in relationship with the text. Which is so hard. We recorded one of our practices to see what looks awkward and what works. It feels like being on the inside of the scene, we have the best insight for feeling what works, yet also have the hardest perspective to look in and notice things we don't usually see. Does that make sense? We hoped this video would help to workshop from both inside and outside the scene, but even watching it back I still feel like I'm on the inside. So, we just keep practicing , and as we do, its kind of beautiful how changes come in a fluid and natural way as we get more into character and the setting. 

Personally, I still feel like i'm struggling to sink into the scene at the beginning. I can feel myself as we go, especially the second half really sink in. So, how do I mentally but myself in the scene without actually doing the scene. How do I use the moment before to help me with this? Especially in a hurricane of before nerves. Anyone have any tips or advise on the moment before and getting yourself into character and the scene? IT'S SO HARD.

Asociado Curso: TH113-02/18SP
[ Modificado: martes, 10 de abril de 2018, 16:29 ]