ブログエントリ by Sydni Brooks

Sydni Brooks
2018年 04月 17日(火曜日) 12:09 - Sydni Brooks の投稿

Ellen and I have been trying to warm up differently and creatively instead of just jumping into the scene. Doing the roll down the back imagining bones, and the partner warm up where we kind of massage one another. And just asking each other what we need. I think this really has really helped get into the zone, to be able to drop in right at the beginning. We also have been practicing saying each others lines back to one another before we start, to work on the pinch ouch, as well as saying our lines different distances apart, and moving closer or farther depending on the feelings. I think doing all of this has helped immensely when we go to practice the scene. It also really makes me feel in tune with Ellen. I’m still definitely working on dropping in at the beginning. Its weird because I am so similar to Sara, so I feel like at the beginning of the scene I’m in this flux state between me and Sara… if that makes sense? I think what I need to do is channel Sara all the way, and let the parts of myself that identify with Sara really be a part of Sara. Its almost like forgetting yourself to be the character?

関連付け コース: TH113-02/18SP