Mikayla Lopez发表的博客

Mikayla Lopez - 2018年04月24日 星期二 12:36

We have been working on exaggerating in our rehearsals since last performance. We think it has worked out some of the weird blocking sections, and has put us more into the given circumstances. We have developed our characters more as budding love then us just having a friendship. 

We also have been working on really considering why we are saying the lines, and not just repeating the lines because they are our lines. This has lead us to be more intentional in our body language and movements throughout the scene. 


Annika has worked on really telling a story with her monologue with facial expressions, and really being into her moment to moment during this. I have worked on actively listening with both movements and facial expressions during her monologue. Also still working on dropping in in the beginning of scene, so we are doing some experimenting with that. 


Can't wait for our second rehearsal!!! 

已关联课程: TH113-02/18SP