ブログエントリ by Tyler Gannon

2019年 11月 19日(火曜日) 21:55 - Tyler Gannon の投稿

Over this past week, Brenden and I have worked a lot on developing our characters and actions in our scene.   I think that the beat analysis really helped us to do this and I feel that we both have a better grasp as to what our characters are feeling and doing throughout the scene.  I think something we want to work on collectively is the way that we react to one another as well.  I think of this especially in terms of what beat that Brenden does that causes me to react and shift/what causes me to say my next line and vice versa.  I feel that once we do our first 2 minutes of the scene, we'll get a lot of useful feedback as to how we can improve our performance.

関連付け コース: TH113-02/19FA