Julia Starkey发表的博客

Julia Starkey - 2019年11月20日 星期三 21:01

I think that our rehearsal process is going really well, although we still have a lot to work on and improve. We both felt that our showing of the first two minutes went relatively well, and we both understand the notes we were given and are working on them I think that the two of us work well together, and we get a lot done both in terms of character work and scene planning whenever we meet up. We are both willing to put effort into making our scene interesting and authentic, and I really appreciate that this motivation is coming from both of us. Although our scene is short, it has a lot of complexities and there is a lot for us to work on. For much of the scene, the characters are arguing instead of saying what they really mean, which presents a challenge for us in terms of line delivery and physical action. It is difficult but very interesting to work on trying to convey such complex emotions through a frustrating conversation about clothes and an awards ceremony. I look forward to continuing work on this scene, and I am impressed at our progress so far. 

已关联课程: TH113-02/19FA