Blogeinträge von Lucas Tibbits Lyons

von Lucas Tibbits Lyons - Sonntag, 1. Dezember 2019, 12:25
Weltweit öffentlich

Julie and I haven't been able to rehearse together because we've been away for Thanksgiving (I have rehearsed with my Mom though). However, we have considered our given circumstances and the atmosphere of the scene. We've been looking up hospital waiting rooms in order to get an understanding of what they look/feel like. Here are some pictures that we found:


In general, the atmosphere is very sterile, cold, and sad. The chairs are uncomfortable, the room is dark, it smells like chemicals, all indicative of discomfort. We will work on considering this in our scene. 

Hope everyone is doing great and had a great Thanksgiving! 

Verbunden: Kurs: TH113-01/19FA


  • KNKurt Neumaier - Di., 3. Dez. 2019, 14:45
    Thanks for posting this Lucas! That second picture looks a lot like what Victoria and I are trying to set up our scene to look like! Minus the surprisingly cheerful women, of course.
  • Hi, I'm Iris!Iris Arnold - Di., 3. Dez. 2019, 22:00
    Moms for the win they make THE BEST substitute scene partners lol I'm excited to see how your sensory considerations of the setting impact your performance.
  • BJBray Jenson - Mi., 4. Dez. 2019, 13:54
    I love that you two did this! Such a good idea. This is a nice way of staying productive when schedules don't line up. Excited to see your guys' final scene lächelnd