Entrada del blog por Gabe Reyes

por Gabe Reyes - jueves, 5 de diciembre de 2019, 20:27
Todo el mundo

I'm writing this blog entry on the heels of another rehearsal with Charlotte. I've really been enjoying the scene and memorizing lines has gone well for both of us, baring a few lines here or there. All considered, I think we did very well this past performance in class today! I was surprised at how well I knew the lines and how engaged with the material of the scene I was. Personally, I still need to work on remaining grounded in the scene. I often have this tendancy to wander and pace when I'm speaking, but I feel like in order for me to really activate my lines I need to remain stationary and use the rest of my body to articulate my emotions. 

All in all, I'm very excited for our final performance. Me and Charlotte have alot of rehearsals planned, so we should be quite prepared for the final showing.

Curso asociado: TH113-02/19FA