Blog entry by Taylor Abbey

by Taylor Abbey - Friday, 6 December 2019, 10:15 AM
Anyone in the world

Yesterday, Keshav and I did our final in-class dress rehearsal. Leading up to our performance, we had some trouble with blocking and incorporating a physical action component. Having a hospital waiting room as our setting creates many limitations in terms of movement. The script also doesn't provide many movement cues, so we had to get a little creative and decide where movement made scene. When we rehearsed the night before, we played with the idea of seeing at what parts of the script we felt the impulse to move. As a result, we decided to have Callie get up and try to leave out of fear after Peter begins interrogating her. 

I feel like we still have a lot of work to do with the blocking, as well as not trying to solely play the "opposition." I'm really excited to see how our final performance turns out!

Associated Course: TH113-02/19FA