ブログエントリ by Zach Gilburne

2019年 12月 8日(日曜日) 19:06 - Zach Gilburne の投稿
We  haven't been able to practice as much as we'd like, hence why #2 is coming today. But we've made serious progress with our scene! We've almost gotten the entire thing memorized now, and a lot of our focus is going toward delivery of the lines and how that changes the overall tone of the performance. We've pretty much zeroed in on how we want to deliver most of the lines, so now it's just a matter of refining the scene further. To make that process easier, we've been practicing lines before the actions, just to build a base to go from. That's worked great.
The tone of the scene seriously varies throughout the performance. Throughout various points the characters express anger, shame, humor, admiration, really the whole emotional spectrum. The changes can be abrupt as Doug and Kayleen converse, which leads to situations that are somewhat humorous. It's really fun to go through those emotional changes, just because it's much more interesting than one overall tone throughout the performance.
Actions are still something we're working on of course. Once the characters start really moving partway through the scene, we realized we have more leeway to put movement in. How they interact each other, how Doug takes his bandage off, that sort of thing. When we're hanging on/around the bed, we can't do much by necessity.
So overall, we're doing great. We have our second rehearsal this week, which we should be ready for easily, and we're aiming to get lots more practice in whenever we can. On track and (hopefully) good to go for the final performance!

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19FA


  • JAJohanna Aguilar - 2019年 12月 8日(日) 20:24
    I totally agree that the scene is much more fun when there are emotional changes! It also makes the audience gasp and not see it coming which is even better. It’s very good that y’all are focusing on the small details because those are very important and it adds to who the character is. Keep it up guys! Very excited to see y’all perform this week 笑顔