ブログエントリ by Adrian Gillmore

2019年 12月 9日(月曜日) 23:42 - Adrian Gillmore の投稿

Charlotte and I have met a couple times to work on our scene, and while it's far from perfect we're making a lot of progress and are feeling good about it. We've made a lot of progress with lines and especially our physical actions. Our biggest issue right now is with navigating blocking off set, we've been using desks and tables as mock set pieces until we're able to practice in the black box. 

I've still been struggling with a few final lines but I'm confident I'll have them down soon. Aside from that I'm a little worried about our final in class rehearsal tomorrow as I seem to be losing my voice, luckily it's not too bad yet and hopefully it'll be better in the morning. 

I feel really connected to the characters we're playing and am excited for our final performance. 笑顔

関連付け コース: TH113-02/19FA