ブログエントリ by Sierra Gleason

2019年 12月 10日(火曜日) 23:27 - Sierra Gleason の投稿

First of all, DOES ANYONE HAVE CROCS I CAN USE? IF SO PLEASE EMAIL ME (sierragleason@lclark.edu)! I’d like to use them for this scene. The costume shop didn’t have any.

We had a rehearsal this evening in the Black Box, and we just ran the scene a couple of times, because we had a time constraint issue (directing scene rehearsals needed the space). 

Our goals for this rehearsal were to try out the costume and set items that we had, and to get more comfortable and grounded in the scene. I, for one, am having a hard time getting truly grounded in the scene, and I am happy to say that today, progress was made! I think having the set and costumes really helped both of us drop into the scene better. We also learned that the set and costumes work!

We also fiddled with the tempo of the scene, which came up experimentally during the rehearsal. After one of our runs, we both noticed that the tempo of the scene appeared to be very slow, and it drained some of the energy. So for our last run, we decided to pick it up intentionally, and it actually felt better. The pauses that we have developed in our scene make sense, and we both feel good about their placement, but I think that sometimes we were drawing it out. So running the scene at a faster tempo was a good experimental idea, and we will implement this during our rehearsal tomorrow!

関連付け コース: TH113-01/19FA