Alexa Hanson发表的博客

Alexa Hanson - 2019年12月11日 星期三 14:16

T-minus 5 days until the final... Sheesh this semester has flown by. Well I guess they do say that time flies when you're having fun! 微笑 

This week, Caitlin and I worked on a few of the suggestions that we received after our in-class dress rehearsal. Some of these things included being mindful of volume, making sure that we're breathing during our partner's lines, and waiting to really feel the impulse before carrying out a physical action. On Monday, Caitlin and I were able to receive some private coaching from Rebecca during our 1-on-1 session. This was really helpful! We were able to improve on all of the items just mentioned, as well as brainstorm some new ideas regarding blocking and timing of the scene. Additionally, Caitlin and I agreed on scheduled days that we would meet up during reading days to rehearse more. I think that, considering where we are now, and with those few extra rehearsals, our final performance is going to go really well!


已关联课程: TH113-02/19FA