Elaine Kinsey发表的博客

Elaine Kinsey - 2019年12月18日 星期三 16:20

Wow, you guys! We finally did it! I'm so proud of everyone, and I'm also really proud of myself. Sometimes during performance I feel like it wasn't quite as good as the rehearsal, but I definitely felt like today was the best I had ever done with this scene. I'm especially proud of how disoriented and un-tethered I was able to act considering that Catherine has just finished a conversation with a hallucination of her dead father when this scene starts. I'm looking back and I'm also thinking about how much fun I had with you guys this semester. All of the silly exercises and games we would warm up with. I'm already getting nostalgic! Sometimes this class even felt more like an extra-curricular than an actual class. I had so much fun being here and I'm really going to miss being in a class with you all :'(

Hope to see you around next year!


已关联课程: TH113-01/19FA