ブログエントリ by Mia Bell

2021年 04月 14日(水曜日) 19:32 - Mia Bell の投稿

Ryan and I had Rehearsal this morning in the Blackbox and have a few hours set aside this weekend before our second showing Monday! One challenge we faced this morning was getting into our scene. Even after taking an extended moment before I found myself inclined to smile and float. Rehearsal is so much fun, especially in the company of friends, so stepping into a serious/intense head space can be challenging. By the end of rehearsal I was feeling a lot more grounded and the scene started to fall back into place. We added a new row of chairs (AND A COFFEE MACHINE) to our set, and I'm very excited to work on our new blocking! Can't wait for the showing on Monday 笑顔

Here's a handstand and a handshake to bid you adieu

関連付け コース: TH113-01/21SP


  • EGErika Gray - 2021年 04月 14日(水) 23:45
    Getting into a serious headspace for a scene can be so challenging- I had a fifteen minute period during which I couldn't. stop. laughing! Finally got it out of my system and managed to get grounded again. Looking forward to seeing your scene on Monday!
  • SGSanaa Green - 2021年 04月 15日(木) 13:26
    Rehearsing in the black box this week was also a lot of fun and good practice for my partner and me to get prepared for our scene. A struggle that we still have and trying to overcome is also getting inside of the scene. I feel like we're focusing more on the lines rather than what the lines mean and the significance of the lines.

    I'm glad you all are having a good time rehearsing though and I look forward to seeing your scene Monday.
  • LSLauren Satterwhite - 2021年 04月 15日(木) 20:01
    I totally understand the struggle of getting into a serious/intense scene. The scene Martin and I are doing is not intense exactly, but it is intimate and it's definitely hard for me to tap into that intimacy. Today, during our rehearsal, it was easier. Martin led this cool Bachata workshop for pod members on Tuesday evening, so the two of us actually danced his choreography before we started rehearsing. I was able to tap into my character because Martin and I had already connected. Rehearsing with him is an absolute blast! I can't wait to see you guys perform on Monday!