Erika Gray发表的博客

Erika Gray - 2021年04月14日 星期三 23:04

Isabel and I met at my apartment last week to have one of our first official rehearsals for Stop Kiss Scene 11, and spent a lot of the time working out the blocking of the scene for the first two minutes (in order to help us prepare for the first in-class showing on Monday). I think it'll be helpful to reserve some time in the Black Box so we can get a better sense of the space, figure out what furniture we'll use, etc. We were both pretty fully memorized, so a lot of what we did was finalize our beat and action notations for each of our lines. After we'd finalized that, it became much easier to convey the right emotions once I had a better sense of what my character (Callie) was trying to achieve as the scene went on. 

已关联课程: TH113-01/21SP