Articles de blog de Erika Gray

par Erika Gray, mercredi 14 avril 2021, 23:40
Tout le monde (grand public)

Our second rehearsal of scene #11 from Stop Kiss was once again in-person at my apartment, a day or two after we'd  performed the first two minutes in front of the class. I felt pretty good about how we'd done, and my biggest goal for this rehearsal was to apply the feedback we'd received from Rebecca and our fellow classmates. I realized I'd been upping the stakes of the exchange between Sara and Callie too early on, because as Rebecca said, my character Callie should be trying to avoid a fight instead of rushing into one. Slowing down the emotional pace of the scene gave me more opportunities to find little physical actions within the scene to make it more authentic, like picking up Sara's discarded jacket from the apartment floor and hanging it up. My next steps will be to fully memorize the remainder of the scene, and to figure out what props we want to use for Callie's cluttered apartment seating area. 

For our next rehearsal, we'll try to take some photos/videos as well. 

Cours associé: TH113-01/21SP