Entrada del blog por Zoey Norling

de Zoey Norling - lunes, 19 de abril de 2021, 16:05
Todo el mundo

This week Libby and I met up before class to spend some time rehearsing before we present on Wednesday. We talked about what specific character bits we might be able to add, is Sam always putzing with his fingers? How is Rose sitting and why? We brainstormed ways to further portray how we feel as the characters. We also talked about possible props, costume ideas and got in touch with the shop/stock room. 

In rehearsal, we tried to focus on getting comfortable with silence and the longer beats that Annie Baker purposefully includes. Its hard! We are still working on it, its so awkward and we keep wanting to speak! So we are working on harnessing that awkwardness in the scene so our personal awkwardness is our characters awkwardness if that makes sense. After our rehearsal and Rebecca's feedback, sitting in awkwardness and holding it there has gotten easier. Today in class when we walked around campus and practiced our lines really helped after our rehearsal. It helped make it more naturally conversational and pinch/ouch which made navigating the beats much easier!