Blog entry by Martin Lopez

by Martin Lopez - Thursday, April 22, 2021, 4:20 PM
Anyone in the world
For this week's rehearsal we decided to recite our lines while walking around the black box. This helped us to focus on our lines only while at the same time stepping out of the scene. We noticed that when we came back to the scene our lines flowed more naturally and we felt more in it. 🚶‍♂️
After rehearsal we took a hike where we got to know each other better and we built more trust and felt more comfortable feeling vulnerable with each other. We believe that this is one of the keys for a strong partnership specially in our scene where intimacy is present. 🧗‍♂️

Personally, something that I have been working on is not rushing. I felt that I did really good on the last showing, but there is always room for improvement. 😮

Lauren has been working on the hidden meaning behind longer sequences.🙂

We are doing good. 😎
Associated Course: TH113-01/21SP


  • MLMakana Laboy - Thu, Apr 22, 2021, 10:23 PM
    Loved the performance! I thought both of you have made great strides at finding your characters and breath! Great work!
  • SGSanaa Green - Mon, Apr 26, 2021, 2:00 PM
    This weekend, Micheal and I put a lot of hours aside to work together on our scene. We also used similar tactics such as walking around and doing another task while going through our script to be more comfortable with the actions. It was a hard thing to do and took a while to get used to but by the end of our rehearsal, we felt pretty confident.

    I agree with Martin that something I should work on is not rushing through the scene because slowing down and taking time to breathe emphasizes the scene as well as the actions within.
  • LWLibby Wiskind - Wed, Apr 28, 2021, 7:09 PM
    Martin, you have really improved on not rushing the lines and are sounding amazing on stage! I think it is so lovely that you and Lauren took time out of your scene work to go for a hike and get to know each other better--what a great idea! I cannot wait to see your final scene smile