Articles de blog de McKenzie Wingard

par McKenzie Wingard, vendredi 30 avril 2021, 17:31
Tout le monde (grand public)

Hello! I'm writing about some time ago because I've really been in over my head with things so apologies for that. Madi and I had rehearsal on April 20th in Howard again and it was very very useful. I learned I shouldn't be asking how my partner would do something my character has to do! I do understand that, but sometimes I just feel like there are so many ways to do something or there are no ways I can think to do something so I want to see how someone else would to it, but it should come from me and Madi helped me a lot with finding my 'Magic If' with Sam. We also made blocking changes after trying to really flow with our instinct and it feels much better now! Miss you all already...

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