ブログエントリ by Irvin Brown

Irvin Brown
2012年 11月 4日(日曜日) 20:36 - Irvin Brown の投稿

..greetings All,

honestly speaking, my initial thoughts when i read the assignment were: not another personality test複雑な (i'm just saying...) BUT i did them anyway. 

earlier in the summer (in another class), we did the Smalley personality test and to my surprize, i had shifted from being 'total lion' to half lion and half otter (LOTTER - i love your idea noelle!満面の笑顔)...

and as for the Gregoric Style Delineator, there were no surprizes - here's how my 'style' adds up:

1st Concrete Ran 2nd Concrete Seq and tying for 3rd Abstract Seq & Ran

to keep it simple, i'm still discovering meウインク