ブログエントリ by Rebecca Lingafelter

Rebecca Lingafelter
2013年 11月 8日(金曜日) 13:31 - Rebecca Lingafelter の投稿

Over the next 5 weeks, each group will submit a rehearsal blog to this page. These have a similar format to the reflection essays you have been writing, and are an opportunity for you to document and reflect on your process - hopefully deepening your relationship to the work. 

You only have to submit ONE blog entry per group. So, you can either split up the task week to week, or do it together. 

I am formatting this reflection as a blog, so that we will all be able to track the collective process. You will be expected to respond to another groups blog each week. 

Each blog is DUE TUESDAY at 12AM. 

関連付け コース: TH113-02/13FA