Entrada del blog por Bill Johnson

por Bill Johnson - lunes, 2 de diciembre de 2013, 09:49
Todo el mundo

After taking the personality profile "test" i was highest in Otter. I was pretty happy as I read through the description, "motivator, can inspire others, visibility" but then as I read through the Strenghths out of Balance I saw...well, what was out of balance. My first reaction was, "WHAT?! I am not pushy! I don't lack follow through." then I started thinking about the colleagues I work best with; those that are very detail oriented, that are patient, that are...well you get the picture. I look at my building admin and see the need for balance. At one point a prof from LC came in and the comment to our administrator was, "This is all very informative data. But who ARE these kids?" This struck a cord with me in regards to getting to know the individual kid and not just the number on a spread sheet. Sounds basic, but I know it's easily forgotten as state report cards are issued or districts are comparing schools. 

My second highest was The Lion.  Again, in my haste I saw Takes Charge, problem solver, Confirmational...then the Too Direct, Too Busy and Become a great listener...hmmmm...I think my background as a director is where this comes from however I realize the need for balance in directing my students and allowing them to find their own way to the goal, as long as it's too the goal we both agree on. I think this flexability is imperative in an administrator. One size doesn't fit all. As a young director, I remember the ease to "show" someone how to do it, but as I grew I realized the importance of letting them discover it one their own. 

I've taken the What color Is Your Parachute test in college, and dismissed it mainly because my girlfriend at the time would refer back to it and say, "See!? I TOLD you! You ARE a ____ colored parachute." However regardless of color, animal or whatever they serve an important reflective piece for me now that I'm older and not so "lionish".  I see where it is I am in my staff as well compared to others that I work well with or don't. I believe surrounding yourself with those that work well is great, but recognizing the strengths of the people you DON'T neccessarily work well with is invaluable in building a staff community.   Just like it is with directing a show....

Curso asociado: EDAD502-01/13GF