Nicholas Brittain发表的博客

Nicholas Brittain
Nicholas Brittain - 2014年11月12日 星期三 16:05

So far, in class, we have gone through the first two minutes of our scene, not staging any specific blocking but doing what comes naturally. We have also met up outside of class to work on line memorization together and to get more familiar with each other's company. Thus far, a couple of stumbling blocks that have arisen include one or two difficult-to-remember lines (a semi-repetitive script will do that to you) and a bit of trouble defining the space (a campus lawn, as a wide-open area, provides few objects or scenery to ground us, although the addition of a bench seems to have helped). Nevertheless, things seem to be coming along well enough.

- Nick Brittain & Will Beck

已关联课程: TH113-02/14FA