Entrada del blog por Nick Pankratz

Nick Pankratz
por Nick Pankratz - jueves, 13 de noviembre de 2014, 01:23
Todo el mundo

We began rehearsals having a good memorization of the first two minutes of lines. That was our start. From there, we progressed to doing a little bit of scene work and finding where the beats in our scene were. In class, we began to find where there was awkwardness in our scene and what we needed to work on, mainly on awkward pauses and general standing around. We began to dig deeper into our characters, finding what our actions were at certain parts and what drove these actions. We decided to keep much of our play open to interpretation with no set blocking to allow for more smooth transitions and allow for the impulses of the moment to drive our character to say and act the way they do. With our most recent round of practice, we expanded on the lines that we had memorized, after a healthy viewing of the Addams Family and My Little Pony accompanied by hot apple cider on this cold fall night.

-Momo and Nick

Curso asociado: TH113-02/14FA