Blogeinträge von Benjamin Kolligs

Benjamin Kolligs
von Benjamin Kolligs - Donnerstag, 20. November 2014, 18:21
Weltweit öffentlich

Today, Nick and I rehearsed the next few minutes of the scene many times, making sure we got the memorization correct. We worked on conveying status with our movement and actions. We also worked on some of the previous blocking we had, and made new blocking for the next minute or two of the scene. We still need to finish memorizing. Nick was wearing a spiffy suit, which was for his moot court, which I promptly complimented. I spent a healthy portion of our rehearsal time admiring the tailoring. I also noticed how little Nick resembled Dennis, the character he was playing, while wearing the suit, an interesting observation which will influence our choice of costumes. This concludes This week on the Black Box Stage, with Ben K and Nick Lesage. [a rousing exit music plays the blog off]