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Isobel Thieme
por Isobel Thieme - viernes, 21 de noviembre de 2014, 10:59
Todo el mundo

Izze - 

Rehearsal is going really well - we’re watching the scene go deeper and deeper everyday. Emily and I decided to do the question exercise, in which we repeat to the other’s line as a question, before we got started with the run throughs. I would say that this exercise helped exponentially because it’s caused me to really think about what Claire is saying to me and what I would say in response to that, rather than only thinking about what my next line is. It’s providing the real life aspect to the given circumstances and it’s beginning to feel more and more natural - I can feel myself get really angry and sometimes almost on the verge of tears during the more emotional parts of the scene. I’m excited to keep working!!

 Emily - 

Izze and I had a great moment during rehearsal yesterday where we found a really good tempo in the second half of our scene. Our characters are arguing and it’s a very tense and emotional part of the scene; we found a really good tempo because as we became more familiar with the lines we were able to interrupt each other a little more and interact like two people having an actual fight, versus two people acting out a fight on stage.

Something that was incredibly helpful was that we did the Meisner repeating exercise for the whole scene before we started blocking. This made us far more aware of our own lines. I know that personally, it stopped me from just waiting for Izze to say her line while thinking about my own line. It also made us more aware of what the meaning of our lines were. Overall, rehearsals are going really well. We still need a few more set pieces, and we’ll rehearse more in the upcoming days, but we’re looking forward to performing for the class on Tuesday!

Curso asociado: TH113-02/14FA