ブログエントリ by Nicholas Brittain

Nicholas Brittain
2014年 12月 9日(火曜日) 15:56 - Nicholas Brittain の投稿

Just went through our second full performance today. This time we had full costumes and everything, which really helped, and taking into account the previous feedback had helped our scene improve by "leaps and bounds".

The feedback from this time - directed mostly at me, I think, rather than Will - is, again, to allow myself to stop anticipating and live in the moment, which seems to be something I struggle with. To be honest, I'm... not entirely sure how to actually do that... Also, there's the thing about not letting audience reactions throw us off. Regardless, the scene itself is fairly polished by this point, so things are looking good. Just need to keep working at it. We're in the final stretch!

- Nicholas Brittain & Will Beck

関連付け コース: TH113-02/14FA