ブログエントリ by Natalie Rich

2015年 11月 17日(火曜日) 20:29 - Natalie Rich の投稿

Since Friday Emma and I rehearsed twice, Sunday and Tuesday, for an hour each time. Our primary focus was blocking and getting offbook. We ran through the scene several times and tried out different blocking in order to find the most natural blocking. We talked about props and costumes as well, deciding on a props list which we have attached below. I was also able to acquire a Martinelli's bottle, and I scratched off the label so it could pass as a champagne bottle. We are well on our way to having all of our props. Our rehearsals went well, we found good blocking and moments that we hadn't seen before. I think that the scene has become a lot more natural as we continued to run it together. Getting offbook on such short notice was hard, but it helped heighten the stakes within the scene because we didn't have long to make the scene work. In future rehearsals we want to work on fluidity in the scene and more specific movement as well as highlighting important power shift moments. 

関連付け コース: TH113-02/15FA