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Trevor Sargent
от Trevor Sargent - среда, 25 ноября 2015, 13:20
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Jess and I haven't gotten a chance to rehearse since our showing on Friday, so I have been reflecting a lot about our showing and feedback we got. Up until our showing, I thought that the first part of our scene would be much more well received than the last 2 thirds given that the time spent on just that part had been so much more than the other parts. But apparently it was quite the opposite. The first part seemed less specific and thought out than the later parts, and I'm guessing that is due to the work on that part being left out of context of the rest of the scene - it's much easier to start at the beginning and stop part way through than to pick up in the middle of the scene and do just the end, so you work on the beginning first, but you don't have nearly the detail about the end that you will later, so it is necessary to revisit (and probably change lots about) the first part now that we have made decisions and constructed the end. Goals next are to specify and make sense of the first part in the context of the whole scene. happy Thanksgiving, stay safe. <3 T


I think Trevor and I were both pretty excited with how our first presentation of the scene went. The stakes felt a lot higher than in rehearsal, so I felt myself needing to restrain myself just as Kayleen does. I was feeling a lot and showing slightly less. You guys told us afterwards that the scene felt really intense, so I was really glad that those emotions were coming through in a good way. It was helpful to have an audience because we learned from Rebecca’s notes that we need to extend the connection we have with each other out into the space. I am not really sure how to proceed with that. It seems like there’s a tricky balance in between ignoring the audience and being too affected by the feeling of being looked at (whether that manifests itself as nerves or starting to be too performative). Another big note that Rebecca gave me specifically was to work on my breath. I need to put my breath into my words rather than sighing before I speak. Hopefully taking that note will also help project my emotions into the audience more.

Связанный(ое) Курс: TH113-02/15FA