- Teacher: Sarah Dunkin
- Teacher: Jennifer Kempf-Burkart
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Bitsy Parks
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Christina Wallace
Content: Organizing, managing, and evaluating both classroom and school-wide K-12 reading programs. Students examine the textbook adoption process, participate in the development and use of a tool for evaluating reading texts, assess components of reading and writing programs, and learn to integrate reading and writing processes throughout the school grades to extend learners' experiences and enhance their own and students' capacities to solve literacy problems. This capstone course of the Language and Literacy Program must be taken at the end of the sequence.
- Teacher: Andrew Kulak
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Leslie Woodhouse
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Kim Stafford
READ 614: Reading Comprehension: Theory & Practical Application (Development Page, Dunkin & Burkart)
- Teacher: Sarah Dunkin
- Teacher: Jennifer Kempf-Burkart
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Laura Beckman
- Teacher: Katrina Edwards
- Teacher: Amelia Johnson
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Leigh Vonderahe
- Teacher: Andrew Kulak
- Teacher: Erin Ocon
- Teacher: Matsya Siosal
- Teacher: Leslie Woodhouse