The behavior and movement of water in natural and
modified environments. Major components of the
hydrologic cycle, including precipitation,
interception, evaporation, evapotranspiration,
runoff, groundwater. Introduction to river channel
behavior, flood hazard calculation, water supply
issues. Quantification, through measurements and
calculations, of water fluxes through various
pathways, with allusion to planning applications.
Students should be comfortable with quantitative
work and spreadsheet use. Lecture, laboratory, and
one daylong field trip.
Introduction to the earth's climate from a
physical, earth-systems perspective. Prehistoric
and historic fluctuations in the earth's climate,
the current climate system, and projections for
future climate and climate impacts. Topics will
include the radiative balance of the earth's
atmosphere, the greenhouse effect, albedo,
aerosols, clouds, climate feedbacks, ocean
circulation, climate variability including El Niño
and the Pacific decadal oscillation, the carbon
cycle, paleoclimate proxy records, ocean
acidification, and climate models. We will examine
some responses to climate change, including
geoengineering, adaptation, and mitigation. Weekly
laboratory exercises with climate data
observations and models (computer-based) and
physical mechanisms (lab- and field-based).
Lecture and lab.
Spatial problems are pervasive in Earth system science and society. Various tools are used to help organize, analyze, and present information in ways that make sense for addressing different types of problems. Geographic information systems (GIS) are computer-based tools designed for mapping and studying spatial relationships between different components of natural and human systems, to better understand how they relate to each other and geography, for use in science, resource management, infrastructure planning, policy decision-making, emergency response, and other applications.

The Indian Ocean Monsoon is a prominent seasonal air-sea-land interaction phenomena that influences tropical climate/weather on local to global scales. It directly impacts communities in Asia, Australia, the Middles East, and Africa through variable rainfall effects on ecology, agriculture, water access, disease spread, natural hazard risks, and socioeconomic repercussions. The monsoon’s behavior also appears to be changing with anthropogenic climate trends, making it an interesting and important context in which to examine a range of environmental and societal issues.
In this interdisciplinary course, you will learn the basics of spatial problem solving, GIS, and how to use ArcGIS Pro mapping and analysis software through weekly lab exercises, reading, lectures, and seminar-style class discussions and presentations. You will also apply learned skills by conducting a self-designed research project, with a contextual link to the Indian Ocean Monsoon. This will include writing a professional-style proposal for your project, writing-up your results in a final report using a peer-reviewed journal template, and presenting the information in a poster session. You will also learn about current literature and how GIS is used in different fields through readings, seminar talks and guest speakers, as well as have opportunities to talk on relevant topics of personal interest.