Overview of counseling theories such as, psychoanalytic, Adlerian, client-centered,, cognitive-behavioral, multi-modal, Gestalt,, feminist, existential, solution-focused, and brief, therapy, as well as integrative approaches., Examines a wide range of theoretical perspectives, and advocates professional knowledge of best, practices. Students acquire knowledge of various, counseling theories and critique their relevance, to diverse populations and clinical situations., Students clarify their personal assumptions and, learn how to explain their own theoretical stance., Issues of diversity and client matching are, addressed throughout.
Exploration of life span development through the, lenses of social, cultural, cognitive, biological,, and learning theories and research. Emphasis is on, gaining better conceptual understanding of healthy, development and better practical understanding of, how to help children, adolescents, and adults, address the developmental challenges they face, across the life span. Particular focus placed on, understanding our own developmental processes as, well as the role of cultural difference and, commonality in the developmental process.
Career development theories; current career, trends, concerns, and programs/interventions for, diverse client populations; career counseling, strategies, tools, and resources (including, Web-based resources); facilitation of client, awareness, choice, and action with respect to, career-related issues; integration of career, counseling with mental health and addictions, treatment. Emphasis is on developing a broad view, of career as lifestyle, the mutual impact of, career and culture, and the practical application, of theory and information in a professional, counseling context.
Exploration of life span development through the, lenses of social, cultural, cognitive, biological, and learning theories and research. Emphasis is on, gaining better conceptual understanding of healthy, development and better practical understanding of, how to help children, adolescents, and adults, address the developmental challenges they face, across the life span. Particular focus placed on, understanding our own developmental processes as, well as the role of cultural difference and, commonality in the developmental process.