Center for Community Engagement

Every educator will encounter students who meet the criteria for disability within public education and grapple with how to successfully foster learning, equity and inclusion in diverse classrooms and schools. This online course, introduces Disability Studies in Education-- a liberation movement discipline distinct from Special Education-- that offers unique insight into these endeavors and proposes Universal Design as a guiding principle.

Disability Studies proposes that "disability" is contextualized within particular social, cultural and political environments according to the acceptable limits of human variability in those environments. This contrasts with the "medical, model," which positions disability as a deficit inherent to an individual, to be rehabilitated, remediated or cured. Contrasting these two different theoretical models helps us to explore the ideology that may underlie ableism, stigma and privilege. Our inquiry will include lived experience and counter culture narratives associated with various disability groups. We will conclude by investigating how we may employ the principle of Universal Design to create embracive learning environments where all students feel valued and empowered, as well as how we may work to dismantle systemic barriers to equity and inclusion within Education.

Disability Studies intersects with other critical disciplines such as Critical Race Studies, Feminist Studies and Gender Studies, all of which foreground lived experience and de-center dominant narratives that cast particular individuals or groups as the "Other." These intersections are also considered in the course, shedding light on the persistent over-representation of minorities in Special Education and exploring whether disablement may function as a mechanism of marginalization for various groups.

Through assigned readings and communal online discussion among professional peers, we will investigate the philosophical, pedagogical, and pragmatic approaches to dis/ability, equity, and, inclusion in education. Teachers, counselors, administrators, psychologists, specialists and academics should all emerge from this course with the historical context, intellectual framework, and practical skills to deepen their professional practice and help promote social justice-both within the sphere of education and in the wider world.

Welcome to our January 2025 Clinical Supervision for Professional Counselors 4-day, 30 hour training!  All the materials for our four-day training will be available for your review, so please feel free to read ahead if you'd like.  Our training will be distance-based, and consist of both live Zoom and "off-line" Moodle assignments, each of which we'll review and clarify along the way. 

This training is designed to be both educational and interactive, with a high level of trainee participation encouraged!  Feedback from recent Zoom trainings have helped shape this course into a (hopefully) well-paced and user-friendly experience, while still capturing all of the essential elements of the full clinical supervision training.

I look forward to meeting each of you during our first morning of introductions.  After a brief survey of your accumulated supervisory experiences, we will move into our training activities.  Thank you in advance for your engagement and participation.  "See" you on  Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 8:30 am!

James Gurule, MA, LPC

Adjunct Faculty