Companion Animal Law - Associate Dean & Professor, Pamela Frasch, , Course Number: LAW-446, , Course Type: Foundational, , Credits: 2, , Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar, , Description: This course provides an intensive, examination of contemporary companion animal law, and policy issues in the judicial and legislative, arenas. The U.S. has witnessed a surge in the, population of companion animals over the past, thirty years, and this course introduces students, to multiple evolving issues, such as breed, specific legislation; pet trusts; animal, experimentation; working, police, and military, dogs; anti-cruelty laws; emotional and other, support animals; veterinary malpractice, and more., In doing so, this course explores the challenges, and opportunities available to advocates, interested in companion animal issues., , Prerequisite: none, , Evaluation Method: Two short papers; two class, presentations; class participation, , Capstone: no, , WIE: yes
- Teacher: Pamela Frasch
- Teacher: Megan Senatori