Strategies for interacting and working with
diverse communities as identified by race,
ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, age,
disability, or religion. Addresses methods for
positively impacting social and cultural diversity
and equity issues including the possible effects
of culture, race stereotyping, family,
socioeconomic status, gender, sexual identity,
language, and values on student development and
progress in the school setting. Content and
methodology emphasize small-group activities,
collaboration, and use of data to create equity
for all students. Candidates practice taking an
active role in supporting all students and focus
on eliminating the achievement gap.
diverse communities as identified by race,
ethnicity, gender, class, sexual orientation, age,
disability, or religion. Addresses methods for
positively impacting social and cultural diversity
and equity issues including the possible effects
of culture, race stereotyping, family,
socioeconomic status, gender, sexual identity,
language, and values on student development and
progress in the school setting. Content and
methodology emphasize small-group activities,
collaboration, and use of data to create equity
for all students. Candidates practice taking an
active role in supporting all students and focus
on eliminating the achievement gap.
- Teacher: Tamara Tribitt