Although difficult to define precisely, the concept of sustainability describes a way of meeting today's needs without compromising the ability of future generations to likewise meet their requirements. In addition to its environmental aspects, sustainability also often encompasses ideas of equity and inclusiveness. Actors in both the private and public sectors have increasingly moved toward practicing and even requiring more sustainable ways of living, governing, and doing business. Lawyers serve clients who incorporate concepts of sustainability into their organizational goals, and are themselves, considering ways to make their practices more sustainable. This course will examine - and help to define - how concepts of sustainability are influencing and influenced by the law and legal practice. Substantive topics addressed in the class will include green labeling and marketing; sustainable energy development; sustainable building and land-use practices; supply-chain sustainability requirements; socially responsible investing;, triple-bottom line accounting and corporate reporting requirements; market-based environmental regulation; market-based natural resource protections; and sustainable development. Mirroring developments in the field, the class will have an interdisciplinary focus. Guest speakers drawn from practicing attorneys, experts, and members of the business community will provide course participants with a real-world perspective on current developments in the field. The course is a three credit course, and is, scheduled to meet in a single three-hour block. Accordingly, since there are a limited number of class sessions students should plan to attend and participate in all of them. Students may elect to use their written projects to satisfy the WIE writing requirement, or may complete a Capstone paper with permission of the professor.