The basic principles of organic chemistry from a
mechanistic perspective. Bonding (Lewis
structures, atomic and molecular orbitals);
stereochemistry (chiral compounds, enantiomers,
diastereomers, conformers, optical activity,
Fischer projections); nomenclature; chemistry of
alkanes (free-radical substitution,
reaction-coordinate energy diagrams, asymmetric
induction); chemistry of alkyl halides, alcohols,
ethers (substitution and elimination reactions,
carbocations, pKa, nucleophilicity, leaving
groups, kinetics); infrared (IR) and nuclear
magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy; chemistry
of alkenes (addition and elimination reactions,
oxidation and reduction, hydroboration, inductive
and resonance effects of substituents, regio- and
stereoselectivity); chemistry of alkynes (acidity,
addition reactions); introduction to
organometallic compounds. Lecture, discussion,