Criminal Justice: Sentencing - Professor Tung Yin
Course Number: LAW-513
Course Type: Highly Specialized
Credits: 3
Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
Description: Advanced Topics in Criminal
Law/Criminal Procedure will focus on the law of
sentencing and corrections, primarily in the
non-capital context, including alternatives to
incarceration. The course will cover both state
and federal sentencing laws.
Prerequisite: none
Evaluation Method: Final exam and one group
presentation project
Capstone: no
WIE: no
The American Bar Association accreditation
standards require students to regularly attend the
courses in which they are registered. Lewis &
Clark expects students to attend classes regularly
and to prepare for classes conscientiously.
Specific attendance requirements may vary from
course to course. Any attendance guidelines for a
given class must be provided to students in a
syllabus or other written document at the start of
the semester. Sanctions (e.g., required withdrawal
from the course, grade adjustment, and/or a
failing grade) will be imposed for poor
Course Number: LAW-513
Course Type: Highly Specialized
Credits: 3
Enrollment Limit: Determined by the Registrar
Description: Advanced Topics in Criminal
Law/Criminal Procedure will focus on the law of
sentencing and corrections, primarily in the
non-capital context, including alternatives to
incarceration. The course will cover both state
and federal sentencing laws.
Prerequisite: none
Evaluation Method: Final exam and one group
presentation project
Capstone: no
WIE: no
The American Bar Association accreditation
standards require students to regularly attend the
courses in which they are registered. Lewis &
Clark expects students to attend classes regularly
and to prepare for classes conscientiously.
Specific attendance requirements may vary from
course to course. Any attendance guidelines for a
given class must be provided to students in a
syllabus or other written document at the start of
the semester. Sanctions (e.g., required withdrawal
from the course, grade adjustment, and/or a
failing grade) will be imposed for poor
- Teacher: Tung Yin